Iowa City Jeweler, Willa Dickens, poses for a portrait in his office on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017.
Dickens has been working in the business for 75 years and says, "It's a challenge everyday with the beautiful and interesting things in the jewelry business. How can I be so lucky to call it work?" (James Year/The Daily Iowan)

State Patrol Officer Andre Porter stands for a portrait during his shift on the last day of the New York State Fair in Syracuse, New York on Monday, September 6, 2021.

Rose Custard stands for a portrait shortly after the service ended at the Macedonia Baptist Church on Sunday, June 6, 2021.
The Macedonia Baptist Church has been in continuous operation since the start of the Civil War and has survived everything from catastrophic flooding to Covid-19.

Caitlin Eddolls stands for a portrait assignment for Greg Heisler’s advanced lighting class in Spring of 2022.
This portrait was an attempt to replicate Dan Winters’ lighting style with a mixture of hard and soft lighting along with strategic placement for negative fill.

Payton Dunn stands for a portrait on campus at Syracuse University on Sunday, March 27, 2022.
Dunn experienced sexual harassment from a former roommate in university housing but declined to further pursue the matter, due to the regulatory obstacles put in place. Recent changes to Title 9, from the previous presidential administration, increased the number of protections that the accused have in allegations of sexual assault and harassment, making justice for the survivors much more difficult to achieve.

Scarlett sits for a portrait to showcase her scars at her home in October of 2021.
Scarlett was cut several times on her arm by an abusive partner. After the incident, she went to a scarification professional to stylize and expand the scars so she could own the legacy of the incident.

Varla stands beside an over-sized Trump mask in the Studio 13 dressing room shortly before emceeing a drag show on Thursday, May 31, 2018.

Hank, the Tennesse Walker, poses for a portrait with his signature Christmas hat in the pasture at the Equinox Stables near Breckinridge in Harrison County, Kentucky on Monday, June 14, 2021.
Hank was rescued by Harrison County resident, Tammi Jo Regan, who runs a non-profit equine rescue called "For Hanks Sake." Hank was a starvation case and weighed 600 pounds when he arrived. He is currently up to 1,400 pounds after two years of consistent care. The non-profit currently has an assortment of rescue Thoroughbreds and retired race horses, along with some miniature horses and donkeys.The horse earns money for the organization by ringing a bell for the Salvation Army around Christmas and has been covered by various national and international media organizations.

Robert "Tico" LaCerda practices aerobatic maneuvers in his Pitts Special SB-2 stunt plane, the day prior to the Vinton County Airshow, on Saturday, September 21, 2019. LaCerda has been performing at airshows as a hobby for the last 11 years and flies a Boeing 767 professionally.

Konnexion Convenience Store Manager, Leela Bell, poses for a portrait on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.
Leela is a Marion, Iowa native who has been working at this establishment for approximately 2 years. When asked what her favorite part of the job is she stated, "I love the family environment." (James Year/The Daily Iowan)

Former US Army sniper, Joe Marcinko, stands for a portrait near his framed army dress uniform in Tuppers Plains, Ohio on Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020.
Marcinko is learning how to become a high school athletics coach after his 17-year career in the US Army came to an end due to a medical discharge in 2019. The medical discharge was due to post traumatic stress disorder, a traumatic brain injury, and the shrapnel in his back from a rocket propelled grenade.

Kristen Day stands for a portrait at her job at ARI Legacy Sleepers in Shipshewana, Indiana. Kristen is a veteran welder and has built RV's and Semi-Truck sleeper extensions for the last two decades.

Press assistant, Maddy Krut, 22, stands for a portrait in the press room at the Cynthiana Publishing Company and The Cynthiana Democrat on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
Paxton Media out of Peduka, Ohio purchased both companies in early June of 2021. Unfortunately, Paxton Media shut down the Cynthiana Publishing Company later on that December. The move enabled them to become more efficient overall, allowing the company to implement labor saving and cost cutting measures. In this industry, technology changes generally translate to job losses. "So we're all really excited about that," Plant Manager Joshua Guthrie said sarcastically.

Terry Allen stands with his birds for a portrait in their outdoor enclosure at his home near Cynthiana, Kentucky on Monday, June 12, 2021. Terry and his wife Gisela moved from Florida and Ohio before finally settling in Harrison County seven years ago.
Terry currently helps care for 15 dogs, 12 exotic birds, and 11 cats, with his German wife, Gisela Allen, 72, and his granddaughter, Kristen Loar, 27. The animals have been taken from overwhelmed pet owners and some abusive breeders in the area. The dogs alone eat 150 pounds of food every week, not including the supplemental chicken and treats they get. The costs are all paid for out of pocket, with no donations coming in. "We can't take any more...," said Gisela. "It's horrible what some people do to animals."

Russell Wilson Case, 73, poses for a portrait while harvesting the last 40 acres of barley on his farm near Cynthiana, Kentucky on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.
Case's son, RT, has 100 acres worth of barley that he processes at his malthouse outside of Cynthiana. South Fork Malthouse is the only one in Kentucky, despite the states world-renowned reputation for bourbon. The business started in May 2019 and is already going strong, with clientele consisting of two local bourbon distilleries and a handful of craft breweries in the area.

Joel Stevenson balances the tires off of a 2008 Toyota Tacoma at Pleasant Street Tire and Auto Service in Cynthiana, Kentucky on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
Stevenson has been working at the establishment for approximately one month and recently moved from Oregon to spend more time with his grandchildren.

“The Last Final”
This group portrait was an attempt to implement a cinematic technique called double back cross lighting for an assignment in Professor Greg Heisler’s Advanced Lighting Course. The goal was to replicate the complex compositions and lighting techniques of baroque period artists and pairing that with the levels of stress felt by fellow students in SU’s Multimedia, Photography, and Design Program.

Iowa City Jeweler, Willa Dickens, poses for a portrait in his office on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017.
Dickens has been working in the business for 75 years and says, "It's a challenge everyday with the beautiful and interesting things in the jewelry business. How can I be so lucky to call it work?" (James Year/The Daily Iowan)
State Patrol Officer Andre Porter stands for a portrait during his shift on the last day of the New York State Fair in Syracuse, New York on Monday, September 6, 2021.
Rose Custard stands for a portrait shortly after the service ended at the Macedonia Baptist Church on Sunday, June 6, 2021.
The Macedonia Baptist Church has been in continuous operation since the start of the Civil War and has survived everything from catastrophic flooding to Covid-19.
Caitlin Eddolls stands for a portrait assignment for Greg Heisler’s advanced lighting class in Spring of 2022.
This portrait was an attempt to replicate Dan Winters’ lighting style with a mixture of hard and soft lighting along with strategic placement for negative fill.
Payton Dunn stands for a portrait on campus at Syracuse University on Sunday, March 27, 2022.
Dunn experienced sexual harassment from a former roommate in university housing but declined to further pursue the matter, due to the regulatory obstacles put in place. Recent changes to Title 9, from the previous presidential administration, increased the number of protections that the accused have in allegations of sexual assault and harassment, making justice for the survivors much more difficult to achieve.
Scarlett sits for a portrait to showcase her scars at her home in October of 2021.
Scarlett was cut several times on her arm by an abusive partner. After the incident, she went to a scarification professional to stylize and expand the scars so she could own the legacy of the incident.
Varla stands beside an over-sized Trump mask in the Studio 13 dressing room shortly before emceeing a drag show on Thursday, May 31, 2018.
Hank, the Tennesse Walker, poses for a portrait with his signature Christmas hat in the pasture at the Equinox Stables near Breckinridge in Harrison County, Kentucky on Monday, June 14, 2021.
Hank was rescued by Harrison County resident, Tammi Jo Regan, who runs a non-profit equine rescue called "For Hanks Sake." Hank was a starvation case and weighed 600 pounds when he arrived. He is currently up to 1,400 pounds after two years of consistent care. The non-profit currently has an assortment of rescue Thoroughbreds and retired race horses, along with some miniature horses and donkeys.The horse earns money for the organization by ringing a bell for the Salvation Army around Christmas and has been covered by various national and international media organizations.
Robert "Tico" LaCerda practices aerobatic maneuvers in his Pitts Special SB-2 stunt plane, the day prior to the Vinton County Airshow, on Saturday, September 21, 2019. LaCerda has been performing at airshows as a hobby for the last 11 years and flies a Boeing 767 professionally.
Konnexion Convenience Store Manager, Leela Bell, poses for a portrait on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.
Leela is a Marion, Iowa native who has been working at this establishment for approximately 2 years. When asked what her favorite part of the job is she stated, "I love the family environment." (James Year/The Daily Iowan)
Former US Army sniper, Joe Marcinko, stands for a portrait near his framed army dress uniform in Tuppers Plains, Ohio on Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020.
Marcinko is learning how to become a high school athletics coach after his 17-year career in the US Army came to an end due to a medical discharge in 2019. The medical discharge was due to post traumatic stress disorder, a traumatic brain injury, and the shrapnel in his back from a rocket propelled grenade.
Kristen Day stands for a portrait at her job at ARI Legacy Sleepers in Shipshewana, Indiana. Kristen is a veteran welder and has built RV's and Semi-Truck sleeper extensions for the last two decades.
Press assistant, Maddy Krut, 22, stands for a portrait in the press room at the Cynthiana Publishing Company and The Cynthiana Democrat on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
Paxton Media out of Peduka, Ohio purchased both companies in early June of 2021. Unfortunately, Paxton Media shut down the Cynthiana Publishing Company later on that December. The move enabled them to become more efficient overall, allowing the company to implement labor saving and cost cutting measures. In this industry, technology changes generally translate to job losses. "So we're all really excited about that," Plant Manager Joshua Guthrie said sarcastically.
Terry Allen stands with his birds for a portrait in their outdoor enclosure at his home near Cynthiana, Kentucky on Monday, June 12, 2021. Terry and his wife Gisela moved from Florida and Ohio before finally settling in Harrison County seven years ago.
Terry currently helps care for 15 dogs, 12 exotic birds, and 11 cats, with his German wife, Gisela Allen, 72, and his granddaughter, Kristen Loar, 27. The animals have been taken from overwhelmed pet owners and some abusive breeders in the area. The dogs alone eat 150 pounds of food every week, not including the supplemental chicken and treats they get. The costs are all paid for out of pocket, with no donations coming in. "We can't take any more...," said Gisela. "It's horrible what some people do to animals."
Russell Wilson Case, 73, poses for a portrait while harvesting the last 40 acres of barley on his farm near Cynthiana, Kentucky on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.
Case's son, RT, has 100 acres worth of barley that he processes at his malthouse outside of Cynthiana. South Fork Malthouse is the only one in Kentucky, despite the states world-renowned reputation for bourbon. The business started in May 2019 and is already going strong, with clientele consisting of two local bourbon distilleries and a handful of craft breweries in the area.
Joel Stevenson balances the tires off of a 2008 Toyota Tacoma at Pleasant Street Tire and Auto Service in Cynthiana, Kentucky on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
Stevenson has been working at the establishment for approximately one month and recently moved from Oregon to spend more time with his grandchildren.
“The Last Final”
This group portrait was an attempt to implement a cinematic technique called double back cross lighting for an assignment in Professor Greg Heisler’s Advanced Lighting Course. The goal was to replicate the complex compositions and lighting techniques of baroque period artists and pairing that with the levels of stress felt by fellow students in SU’s Multimedia, Photography, and Design Program.